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Oakland Coliseum Tickets

people are looking at Oakland Coliseum right now
100% Worry-free Guarantee

We stand behind you 100%

Whether you are buying or selling tickets on our site, we safeguard your transaction.

You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:

  • Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
  • Your order was accepted but not shipped in time for the event.
  • Your tickets were not valid for entry.(1)
  • Your event is cancelled and is not rescheduled.(2)


(1) Verified proof must be provided in letter form from the venue. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verified proof.

(2) 100% refund for a cancelled event does not include shipping.

All Oakland Coliseum Events

This is Oakland Coliseum placeholder text. You can edit it in the admin panel on the Edit Venues page. If you have additional questions please file a support ticket at support.atbss.com. This specific text is controlled via the Bottom Description area of the Edit Venues section of your admin panel.

This is Oakland Coliseum placeholder text. You can edit it in the admin panel on the Edit Venues page. If you have additional questions please file a support ticket at support.atbss.com. This specific text is controlled via the Bottom Description area of the Edit Venues section of your admin panel.

This is Oakland Coliseum placeholder text. You can edit it in the admin panel on the Edit Venues page. If you have additional questions please file a support ticket at support.atbss.com. This specific text is controlled via the Bottom Description area of the Edit Venues section of your admin panel.

UpcomingVegasShows.com Guarantee
100% Money back guarantee if your event is canceled and not rescheduled.