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Illinois Cities & Tickets

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You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:

  • Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
  • Your order was accepted but not shipped in time for the event.
  • Your tickets were not valid for entry.(1)
  • Your event is cancelled and is not rescheduled.(2)


(1) Verified proof must be provided in letter form from the venue. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verified proof.

(2) 100% refund for a cancelled event does not include shipping.

Illinois Cities

Alton Antioch Arlington Heights Arthur Aurora Bartonville Bedford Park Belleville Belvidere Berwyn Bloomingdale Bloomington Bolingbrook Bourbonnais Bridgeview Burbank Cambridge Carbondale Carterville Casey Cave-In-Rock Champaign Charleston Chicago Chicago Ridge Chillicothe Cicero Collinsville Country Club Hills Crestwood Crystal Lake Danville De Kalb Decatur DeKalb Des Plaines Dixon Dolton Downers Grove Dundee Township Duquoin East Moline East Peoria East St Louis Edinburg Edwardsville Effingham Elgin Elmhurst Evanston Fairbury Fisher Forest Park Galesburg Galva Geneva Germantown Gibson City Glen Ellyn Glenview Granite City Grayslake Gurnee Harrisburg Harwood Heights Herrin Highland Park Highwood Hoffman Estates Island Lake Itasca Jacksonville Joliet Kankakee Knoxville Lake Forest Lemont Libertyville Lincolnshire Lisle Lombard Loves Park Macomb Madison Mahomet Marion Martinsville McHenry Medinah Melrose Park Melvin Merrionette Park Metamora Metropolis Moline Monticello Mount Carroll Mount Vernon Mundelein Murphysboro Naperville Nashville New Berlin New Lenox Newton Normal North Riverside Oak Brook Oak Park Oakbrook Terrace Olympia Fields Orland Park Oswego Palatine Pana Park Forest Paxton Peoria Peru Pesotum Petersburg Pontiac Pontoon Beach Poplar Grove Quincy River Forest Rock Island Rockford Rosemont Round Lake Park Rushville Saint Charles Sauget Schaumburg Skokie South Barrington South Elgin Springfield St Charles St. Charles Sterling Sugar Grove Sullivan Taylorville Tinley Park Tremont University Park Urbana Vernon Hills Washington Waukegan West Dundee West Peoria Wheaton Winnetka Wonder Lake Woodstock Yorkville

All Illinois Events

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